Extracted from the powderly substance of flowers’ stamen/pistil, it is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Polen is a superb beauty treatment that regulates and balances the inside, giving skin a rosy complexion and keeps the body full of vigor.
Contains an abundance of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, coenzymes, proteins, amino acids, rutin hormone components, and bioflavonoids.
- Improving endurance and vitality
- Recovery from chronic illness
- Adding weight during convalescence
- Reducing cravings and addictions
- Building new blood
- Prevent infectious diseases like colds & flu(has antibiotic properties)
- Overcome retardation & developmental problems in children.
- Protects against radiation
- Protect & whiten skin
- Prevent anemia
- Improves nervous system
- Anti-allergy
- Anti-asthma
- Prevent prostate enlargement
Consume 2 times daily, 1-2 capsules each time before meals
NOTE: For those who are allergic to pollen, please consult your doctor before taking this product
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