Noni Juice 1L


SKU: 0884847 Category:

Noni juice is an extract from morinda citrifolia fruits (Noni) that has been known for it’s strong medicinal properties since ancient times. It’s rich in phtyochemical compounds and nutrients. Additionally Noni is a rich source of proxeronine which is a precursor of the enzyme Xeronine. Xeronine assists in enlarging pores of cell walls allowing better absorption of nurients and medicine. Noni Juice has a low glycemic index hence suitable for diabetic people.


Health benefits


  • Prevent and treat gout
  • Regulate sugar in the blood
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Reduce higher Cholesterol levels
  • Boost immune system
  • Increase blood production in the body


How to use it


Take one tablespoons twice per day

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